about: BioMagnific center

Our therapist is certified to provide Biomagnetism Therapy and Bioenergetic Therapy, from: ChiLife University, City of Tonala, Jalisco, Mexico by Dr. Mario Ricardo Rodriguez Ramirez, also certified by Dr. Issac Goiz Duran, creator and founder of Biomagnetism and Bioenergetic Therapies.

Biomagnetism Therapy consists on applying medium intensity magnets between 5,000 – 15,000 gauss, in specific areas of your body, in order to help balance energetically the PH levels of Alkalinity and Acidity

Biomagnetism Therapy Session: Lying down on the massage table, we start scanning the whole body for PH imbalances. Once we found one, we look for the corresponding point and we place the magnets by pairs (Biomagnetism criteria)

Magnets will be applied, to specific areas of the body, in order to restore a neutral PH, to get healthy

There are no side effects or contraindications, Biomagnetism Therapy can be combine with other treatments: Allopathic or Alternative


*** Exceptions to use Biomagnetism Therapy are:

1.       When people are under Chemotherapy and/or Radiation treatments, in these cases, a year should passed since the last of those treatments, mentioned before

2.      Also pregnant women are not advice for Biomagnetism Therapy for the duration  of pregnancy

3.       People with pacemaker

Biomagnetism Therapy is not a substitute for physician consultation, evaluation or treatment


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